Monday, January 02, 2012

Get writing with the 'National Travel Writing Month' project...

Need a push to get started on all those freelance writing goals that you keep promising yourself you will get onto?

Then why not give National Travel Writing Month (NaTraWriMo) a go.

It might just be the push you need.

Monitored by Lanora Mueller & Lola Akinmade Åkerström, this project is running from January 1 to 31st.

Here's the scoop...

What you're expected to do

*Whether you're a travel writer, travel blogger, or travel photographer, your goal for the month of January is to send out a query, pitch, and/or letter of introduction to a publication (print or online) you'd like to see your work published in for the next 30 days.

* This challenge is mostly for those who are freelancers writing and/or photographing for other publications and not necessarily for their own blogs.

* We're assuming you already know how to craft a solid pitch. NaTraWriMo will not be teaching you how to write one.

* The goal is not to bombard inboxes of editors with poorly thought-out queries. Please do your research when approaching a publication and make sure your pitches are tailored to the publication's needs.

* Please remain professional when approaching publications you'd like to be published in.

Sign up here to get started.

How to record your progress

* Once you've sent out your pitch, go to the "Daily Update" page and find the thread for the particular day you sent your pitch. You can share some information about the pitch you sent, but please - do not share the editor's name, publication, or even your idea so it doesn't get poached.

* Under "Edit Profile", update your NaTraWriMo count, and save your updates.

Sounds like just what I need to get me out of the 'procrastination' phase I find myself in a present.

But as I'm heading to Perth, Australia tomorrow for a weeks R & R, sans computer, I guess I'll have to be late to the party...

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1 comment:

Rachel Cotterill said...

Sounds like the sort of kick I need to get moving with a few more pitches... though I do worry that editors will be more-than-usually overwhelmed as a result of this!

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