Tuesday, August 30, 2011

So how much money do Travel Bloggers really make...

So how much money do travel bloggers really make?

That's the question that The Grumpy Traveller, aka David Whitely, is asking.

Tired of the constant theories of monetising travel blogs that are floating around cyberspace, David has decided it's time for facts rather than theory.

So he's put together the Travel Blogger Honesty Survey - a set of seven questions that he's hoping that travel bloggers, writers, and journalists will answer and maybe, finally, "shed some much-needed light on the travel blog monetisation merry-go-round."

The seven questions are...

1. What is your name and main blog URL?

2. Roughly, what was your income from all work last year (before taxes and expenses – use whichever currency you usually work with)?

3. Approximately what percentage of that income was from site(s) that you own?

4. Approximately what percentage of your income was from writing about travel online (ie. both your sites and other sites you have been paid to write for)?

5. Approximately what percentage of your income is from writing about travel full stop (ie. print as well as online)?

6. Approximately what percentage of your income is from writing?

7. What are your other major sources of income?

Anyone willing to participate in this survey needs to head over to The Grumpy Traveller and leave a comment with their answers.

Hopefully, once all the data is collected, the results will be illuminating.

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