Saturday, October 22, 2011

Popular travel blog WildJunket launching digital travel magazine and looking for intern...

In three short years, travel journalist Nellie Huang has transformed WildJunket into a hugely popular must read travel blog.

So it makes sense for her to take things one step further and launch a digital travel magazine - WildJunket Magazine - that will specialize in independent travel and outdoor adventures.

Unlike the WildJunket blog which is written entirely by Nellie Huang, with the occasional guest post, WildJunket magazine will feature stories of offbeat destinations, special interest journeys, and cultural immersion from a variety of travel writers and photographers from around the world.

Anyone interested in contributing should head over to the WildJunket magazine editorial guidelines page to find out how.

Not surprisingly, given that creating a digital magazine will require a great deal of time and commitment, Nellie is looking for an intern to blog, socialize and write for WildJunket.

And in exchange for doing this, Nellie will share her knowledge on how to grow and succeed as a travel blogger.

If that sounds like you, then head over to the travel blogger intern page for more information.

It's an exciting opportunity, one that I have decided to apply for myself.

Find out why in my next post...

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1 comment:

Nellie said...

Hi Liz, many thanks for spreading the word for us! Really appreciate it. Remember to get in touch if you're ever interested in writing for us. ;)

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